- The University of Guelph is private property. The University reserves the right to control parking and traffic on the campus, to prohibit access to any vehicle and to restrict parking privileges at any time, in any parking lot, for emergencies, construction or other purposes. In such instances every attempt will be made to provide alternate parking and, where possible, advance notice will be given.
- The speed limit on any University roadway is 30 km/h unless otherwise posted.
Where to park:
- Vehicles must be parked in a designated parking space. Designated Parking spaces are indicated by two lines painted on the lot surface and exclude aisles, ingress or egress lanes, and fire routes.
- All vehicles parking on campus must be registered with Campus Parking services. Parking Services may link your vehicle to your account if you have not registered your vehicle and you have been ticketed and/or towed on campus. Failure to provide your employee/student number may result in lost parking privileges.
- Permits or payment via Paybyphone/HONK apps are required Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm, except statutory holidays recognized by the University.
- Parking is restricted overnight from December 1 to March 31.
- If you are parking on campus overnight, you must park in P13, P17 or P19.
- For a full list of overnight restrictions can be viewed at: Overnight Restrictions [1]
Purchasing A Permit:
- Permits can be purchased via the Online Parking Portal. [2]
- A maximum of 3 vehicles can be linked to a parking permit. However, only 1 vehicle may be parked on campus at a time. If multiple vehicles are found on campus without the additional vehicles making payment via paybyphone/HONK or having purchased a daily permit, both vehicles will be ticketed.
- Red and/or Yellow Zone permits are available for staff and commuting students. Yellow Zone permits are available for residence permits. All permits are a first come, first serve basis.
- Black Zone permits are required to park in specifically assigned 24 hour premium parking zones.
- Accessible Parking: any person(s) with a valid MTO permit may park in any MTO Accessible parking spaces found throughout campus. Payment must be made by using either pay using paybyphone or a valid red or yellow zone permit must be associated with the vehicle.
- Green parking permits are required to park in the electric vehicle charging stations. Green parking permits are only valid in conjunction with a red/yellow permit for the purpose of charging their electric vehicle.
- Commercial Service permits are available for contractors engaging and performing deliveries or maintenance or services on University property. Service contractor vehicles must registered with Campus Parking Services.
- Permits are required for the full calendar year (January to December) including reading day/week and exams periods.
Paybyphone/Honk App:
- Paybyphone payments are only valid at paybyphone signs.
- HONK payments are only valid in P31 Visitor, P44 Visitor Area, P1, GTI (P70), and OVC Client parking.
- Permits are not valid at paybyphone and Honk locations.
Electric Vehicle Parking:
- Electric vehicle charging stations are reserved for electric vehicles to park while being charged.
- Electric vehicles are only permitted to be parking in an electric vehicle charging station parking space during the active charging cycle up to a daily maximum of four (4) hours.
- Electric vehicle charging stations parking spaces can be accessed by those who do not hold either a green parking permit, by paying the appropriate parking fees through paybyphone/HONK.
- The parking rate charged is for parking only and there will be no charge for electricity as a commodity.
Cancelling a Permit:
- To cancel a permit and/or request a refund for a permit, you must complete the Permit Cancellation Form [3] on our website.
- Not all permits are refundable.
- Permit holders who do not cancel their permits, during their absence from campus, and pay via payroll deduction, will be responsible for all accrued parking fee(s). Any outstanding parking fees will be deducted from wages.
- Permit holders who terminate their employment with the University and do not cancel their parking permit are hereby advised that the permit will be revoked and any individual found parking on campus will be ticketed for No Valid Permit.
Parking without Permit/Payment:
- Persons parking without a valid permit or payment via paybyphone/HONK will be at risk for being ticketed and possibly towed.
- Persons with outstanding fines lose the privilege to park on campus. If the vehicle is located on campus with unpaid fines, regardless if it is parked legally or not, the vehicle is subject to receive a violation for “loss of parking privileges” including immediate tow away at the owner/operator's risk and expense.
- Parking Permits will not be issued to person(s) with outstanding fines.
- Parking privileges will be reinstated to the customer upon payment of outstanding fines.
- Registered owners of vehicles maybe traced through the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Any search charges will also be applied to the account.
- Parking sanctions can take 24-48 business hours to be lifted after payment is received for outstanding parking tickets.
- If a ticket is not paid or placed on appeal within the provided timeline, a late fee will be applied.
- Rates for fines for violations are subject to change without notice.
- For a full list of parking violations check out: Summary of Violations & Fines [4]
- Vehicle has been towed, how do I get my vehicle back? [5]
Appealing Violation:
- Once a ticket has been issued, persons have 10 business days to exercise one of the options indicated on the reverse side of the ticket.
- An appeal request may be considered in instances where a violation notice, has been issued contrary to the regulations or otherwise in error. A lack of knowledge or awareness of the regulations does not establish grounds for an appeal.
- Note that not all violations qualify for appeal.
- If a ticket has been placed on appeal, persons will have 10 business days following loss or reduction of appeal to settle their violation. If the violation is not paid within the provided timeline, a late fee will be applied.
- Appeal decision notices issued by Parking Services shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the appellant and the University.
General Information
- Violations of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, The Criminal Code of Canada, the Trespass to Property Act or the University Student Rights and Responsibilities, may result in a charge being laid by the Campus Safety Office & Community Police, in addition to any other penalties or costs that may be applicable.
- Withdrawal of parking privileges and subsequent towing of offending vehicles at the owner/operator's expense.
- Account transferred to Student Financial Services for Academic Sanction.
- Submission of account to an outside collection agency.
- The operation or parking of any motor vehicle (including delivery or pick up) on greenspace & lawns, pedestrian walkways or other landscaped areas on University property is prohibited unless prior authorization has been received from Campus Parking Services in consultation with Physical Resources.
- Driving, parking, stopping or abandonment of a vehicle in such a way as to impede traffic and/or interfere with the normal business of the University on any of its property, or contrary to signs or parking lot lines is subject to the cost of repairs, immediate tow away at owner/operator's expense, plus a fine.
- Any vehicle considered an environmental or safety hazard (i.e. leaking gas, etc.) will be subject to immediate tow away at owner/operator's risk and expense.
- Sleeping or maintaining residence in vehicles, trailers, tents or similar temporary accommodation is prohibited on campus.
- The use of snowmobiles is forbidden on University property except as authorized by the Campus Safety Office.
- Tailgating is not permitted
Please pay attention to the signage in each parking lot! Full a full list of regulations check out Parking Policy and Regulations [6]
If you have any questions please contact Parking Services at 519-824-4120 x52118 or email questions@parking.uoguelph.ca [7]